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You may sign up for any of these classes on the Google Registration Form; however, if the requirements are not met, you will be assigned to your next ranked class. Students in Honors Fine Arts must have good attendance, good grades, and good behavior to qualify, in addition to those outlined below. 

Honors Art  (.5 Credit/Half    Year)

7th Grade Students who take a semester Art class with Mr. Jolley and who show skill and mastery of the basic principles taught may be invited to enroll in Honors Art. This one section in the 2nd semester and Mr. Jolley will work with students to extend their learning and develop their talent. Teacher Recommendation REQUIRED. 

Honors Choir (1 Credit/Full Year)

Auditions will be held in the Spring for those interested in Honors Choir. In this class, students will learn advanced choir concepts and will be expected to participate in service/learning opportunities, community performances, and various competitions such as SUPAF.

Teacher Recommendation & Audition REQUIRED

Honors Theater (TBD based on requests)

Students who have taken a Theater Foundations Class and enjoy performing in front of an audience may be invited to enroll in Honors Theater. This class will be where most of the preparations for our Annual School Musical takes place. Students will also be learning more advance theater concepts such as lighting, sound, costuming, etc.

Teacher Recommendation & Audition REQUIRED

Jazz Band

This Honors band program is offered during our Advisory period and is taken in addition to Intermediate Band during the day. Students will perform in the community and with the middle and high school bands at activities throughout the year. Students will be assessed in beginning band and those showing high proficiency will be invited to enroll. 

Teacher Recommendation & Audition REQUIRED

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